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Coalition Proposal
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Views and Opinion Articles
Kindred Spirits
Peace on Earth requires peace with Earth -- A vision for returning democracy to the people.
Views and Opinions
- A statement from Dave Ewoldt, founder of NCEP on why he founded NCEP and chose these particular core groups.
- A National Conversation is Needed - It is vital that we start honestly addressing the links between lusting for lifestyles of conspicuous consumption, exploitation of natural resources, intolerance, and how these values, as embedded in US foreign policy, might lead to terrorism.
- Don't Let Your Attention Become Diverted - Don't let your attention be diverted from all the other issues that are important -- such as tanking national and state economies, increasing environmental degradation, loss of civil rights, the overall rise in violence and abuse, etc. -- by the bush regime's weapons of mass distraction. There is a better alternative available.
- Information for American Patriots - Information that the American public needs to be aware of in order to truly participate in building a just and sustainable democracy.
- Building Peace Through Righteous Action - The following is the transcript of a speech I wrote to be delivered at the Anti-war Fair, sponsored by the Cognitive Dissidents here in Bellingham, WA on March 29, 2003.
- Reclaiming Democracy: How to Grow Beyond A Failed Vision - Why I think the attempt for Progressive Democrats to wrest control of the Democratic Party from the DNC and DLC is a non-productive waste of time, and will only serve to futher disenhearten the majority of the electorate. There is an alternative vision available that can lead to longer lasting change that will be better for all of us, as well as the rest of the natural world.
Other articles that you may find of interest, relating to how ecopsychology and the Natural Systems Thinking Process can help us in attaining the goals of NCEP, such as natural consensus and honoring diversity, can be found in the writings section of Attraction Retreat.

Cultural Creatives

Earth Charter

Green Party
of the US

Project NatureConnect